Part 1:
Things are getting interesting, and those creative liberties I mentioned are coming into play.
— Some time later —
Hop and Gloria were returned to the interrogation room. They waited until Jenny came in and began speaking.
“Hop had the right idea. The old sword and shield were at the shrine where they belong, and every single one of our Pokémon were able to confirm that no one had been at the shrine for at least a week. We also questioned Professor Sonia, who had an alibi and confirmed that Zacian and Zamazenta need those rusty relics in order to achieve Crowned Form.”
“The other officer said”-
“I was getting to that. My cousin, Jenny, reported that the Legendaries snuck into the investigation scene and left soon after, before anyone realized they were there. They were spotted on the way out, and were in their base forms, rather than the Crowned Forms.”
Gloria was thoughtful for a moment. “Tracking! They’re going after the imposters!”
“That’s what we think. I’m honestly surprised they found a trail, though.”
“What do you mean by that? Of course they’d find a trail, they’re Legendaries!” Hop retorted.
Jenny sighed. “We already tried tracking them. In fact, the trail goes cold right outside the vault door. The camera watching the door was disabled before it could see anything, and none of the other cameras saw anything that night, and showed no signs of tampering. It almost seems like the culprits appeared, bashed down the door, took the ball, and disappeared again. Of course, we believed Zacian and Zamazenta might have been capable of this, but… now, I really just don’t know. At the very least, we can be sure you two had no say in anything that might’ve happened. You’re free to go. But stay close to home, and if you see Zacian and Zamazenta, tell them we’d like to question them.”
— Later —
“Hey, hotshot.”
The Cinderace lept up and greeted his trainer, pulling her into a hug.
“Easy boy, I’m alright. I’ll explain everything later.”
Gloria noted with a mix of approval and disdain that the cops that had searched her home had laid down food for her Pokémon, a number of whom were out and about waiting for her to come home. She greeted them all by name, before sending them into their pokéballs to collect her thoughts. As the day turned into evening, and Gloria wondered just how long she’d been at the station, she heard a knock at her window. She walked over and pulled the blinds- to reveal Zacian on the other side, gesturing for her to follow. Gloria’s eyes widened, and she ran out the door, looking around to see if anyone was nearby.
Seeing no one, she turned toward the Slumbering Weald and Zacian, who stood at the threshold of the wood and gestured for Gloria to follow her once again, before turning and disappearing.
The illusion trick, haven’t seen that in an age, Gloria thought as she strode into the Weald, Hotshot’s pokéball in hand. Turns out she didn’t need it, because a light fog covered the wood, and all was quiet with not a single wild Pokémon to be seen. Luckily, Gloria knew the route by heart now and strode purposely to her destination without so much as a wrong turn. Soon enough, the air cleared and she stood in the Shrine clearing, tainted in red by the light of the setting sun. To her surprise, she noticed an officer lying on the ground. She rushed over and laid a hand on his neck, checking for a pulse.
He’s only asleep. Honestly, does everyone think we’re criminals now?
Gloria turned at the sound of Zacian’s telepathically communicated voice.
“Zacian! It’s so good to see you!” She rushed over and wrapped her hands around the wolf, insofar as she could manage when said wolf is nine feet tall.
It’s good to see you too, Gloria. Though I can’t say I’m not glad to have missed Grooming day-
“Never mind Grooming day! What happened! Where were you? Did-
Hush, now, and let’s wait for the others. All your questions will be answered in due time. Here they are now.
Hop burst into the clearing, followed by Zamazenta.
“Gloria! Zacian! Oh- geez, what happened to that guy?!”
Only asleep, Zamazenta communicated for them both to hear. Honestly, does everyone think we’re criminals, now?
Hop was bewildered as Gloria burst out laughing, followed by Zacian, as much as a wolf could be said to laugh.
“Oh, I needed that laugh today,” Gloria said. “But seriously you two, fess up! What’s going on?”
Zamazenta stood beside Zacian as she began speaking.
We’ve been keeping an eye on Eternatus’s pokeball every bit as much as the human authorities. When we heard that it had been stolen, and I assure you we had nothing to do with it, we went to investigate.
Hop interrupted. “Did you find who really stole it?”
I was getting to that. The trail went cold just outside the vault door. The police could only suspect that the imposters had up and disappeared. But there’s not a mortal man or Pokémon that can fool our noses. They DID disappear, pokeball and all. And they likely had help from beings more powerful than us to do it.
“More powerful than you? That’s impossible!” Hop laughed.
Not as impossible as you might think, Zamazenta replied.
Nevertheless, that’s not even our biggest concern. What really concerns us was the smell, and the Galar particles.
“Galar particles? But a Dynamax Pokémon couldn’t fit in that vault! Maybe it was because Eternatus was in that pokéball?”
A reasonable assumption, Gloria, but any Galar particles produced from the pokéball, if any, would not have amounted to this much. It more than enough particles for a Dynamax Pokémon. If not multiple, or if Eternatus was released from the ball, which we know he was not. Zacian stated, procuring a photograph. I assume you did not see this image, or else you would have realized already who was responsible for this.
Gloria took a picture, and gasped. It was another picture of the interior of the vault. Only this time, “Zacian” held the ball in her mouth as the pair made their exit. And Zamazenta-
“Hop. His eyes.”
Hop leaned over her shoulder and put a hand to his mouth. Zamazenta was turned to look at the camera with pale, yellow eyes.
Yes. Zacian said, The smell was ours. The Galar particles, ours. We are the culprits.
Before they could reply, something caught the corner of Hop’s eye.
In the Kanto Region, Ash Ketchum pointed to the sky.
In the Johto Region, Ethan asked, “what is that?”
In the Hoenn Region, May said, “It’s a shooting star, let’s make a wish!”
In the Unova Region, N watched the streak of light in silence.
In the Kalos Region, Clemont said, “It’s gonna land! Let’s go after it!”
In the Alola Region, a cloud of sand flew into the air as the object collided with the ground.
In the Sinnoh region, Dawn watched as the streaks of light that originated high on Mt. Coronet faded as they shot off into the distance, and knew that something big was happening.
And in another place, beady white eyes shone in the darkness as their owner plotted its next move, and the void echoed with the sound of its evil laughter.
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