Please don't start a war over this, remember its my opinion. Its okay to disagree with it, but don't start fighting over it, be civil
I see some real hot takes here. I'm just sad that Kangaskhan and Banette are low
1) Mawile and Lopunny weren't cut from the list, which is bad.
2) Swampert is great.
3) Latias should be lower, than Latios.
4) Puting sharpedo higher than Camerupt is morally illegal.
Bro your hate for Mawile is uncalled for. But I'm not arguing.
^^How dare. Mega Mawile is great, and Latias is literally a near carbon clone of Latios in mega form. They're both cool x)
Mega Metagross, Banette, Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Beedrill are too low imo. Charizard X is in its rightful place.
I can live with all of that
Yeah with the Lati twins, I didn't really care which order bc they look alike and Mawile was my first mega stone, so it stays there (also, should I have done the primal forms or no?)
What do you think?