Is it wrong that I personally feel like Ash's Charizard evolved too soon. though "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" did well for the evolution episode of Charmeleon anybody else feel like "Charizard Chills", the from the orange island season or Volcanic Panic episode 59 of Indigo League, would have worked better cause then we get more time with Charmeleon than like 3 episodes, literally Charmeleon was around for 3 EPISODES. while Charmander had 32 and you know of course Charizard in it's appearances onward. Like though Charizard was a force to be reckoned with keep in mind Charmeleon literally tried killing Cassandra's Paras back in its first major episode (as Charmeleon) in "The Problem with Paras", unless it feels the opponent is very weak and he can take it down he clearly wasn't finished after the flamethrower and the Tail whip. Like sure in the end even Paras was able to defeat Charmeleon. I feel like Ash would always be able to use Squirtle or Pikachu to keep Charmeleon in check if needed, but not Charizard. Luckily Charizard was just loafing around, but if it went on a rampage, I'm pretty sure Ash would be in trouble, Though I imagine because Charizard is more marketable is why his evolution was rushed, I absolutely wished Charmeleon stuck around much longer either till orange islands or at least till volcanic panic (Charizard (Charmeleon in my eyes) vs Magmar) since both Charmander and Charizard got a hell of a lotta episodes yet Charmeleon gets like 3, one being the episode it evolves from Charmander and the other being the one it evolves into Charizard, so screentime wise Charmeleon really didn't get much spotlight. though what do you guys think? let me know you're thought's below.