Part 9:
Before I took on eri, I decided to peek at my EVs.
Jeez what have I been fighting, all my mons have a lot of attack evs, even though noizy, Nala and goo have almost never used physical moves. Not like I'm gonna make a hassle out of it (+ev lowering berries are hard to find, so why botehred)
I wonder how many people saw this subplot.
Anywho it's ERI time. Luckily I have 2 fliers.
If only defeating eri out here= getting star badge...if only it were that easy.
Ofc this MU sucks, so I swap Noizy it goes for nasty plot?! I didn't know Croagunk was a special attacker. Anywho air slash shreds the frog, and I send sylph back in on primeape.
He eats a Close Combat...and becuz of the sp def drop primeape is punted to the moon.
Interestingly enough, while sylph, fletchie and noizy did the star barrage, there were several Gallades. If team star were truly bad, why would they have Gallade? Also I think toxicroak line messed sylph up bad due to being half poison.
I attempt to put toxicroak to sleep but syph is poisoned by p jab and defeated by poison.
Hope this works. Toxicroak eventually sleeps, allowing me to take it out with 2 aerial aces.
In comes passimian, it tanks aerial ace well and take fletchie out with rock tomb.
Goated comes in eats a CC and sets up 1 bulk up. He barely survives to set up another as another CC is hurled in his direction. I use a hyper potion (should have max becuz it still hurts. +2 horn leech doesn't do heal a lot either.
I max potion on annhilape, Close combat does nothing. I'm scared of rage fist though. Another close combat is sent my way, as a leaf blade cuts annhilape up.
I max potion Gogoat as Lucario uses aura sphere.
Goated eats another one and OHKOS the Lucario.
I swap in noizy as the car I'm sure had stamina, so I can't hit it. He's paralyzed by the cars torque and para hacked when I attempt to set up my screech throat spray strat.
Noizy manages to take the car down to this level by living on 1 HP. I end up sacrificing him to bring Sylveon back. The car sets up a shift gears (like it did before, hence noizy on 1hp), giving sylph the opening he needed to destroy it with a moonblast.
I wish I could use this, but I don't want to sacrifice gogoats bulk. (Also while waiting for rain yesterday I got the focus miss TM LOL)...and no one can use it.
I need speed control that's what fletchie does via tailwind as he gets yawned. I misclock on nala using flame thrower x2 and the falling asleep , I had to full restore it off (I do use dark pulse at the end to take it out however)
Fletchie comes back in for speed control on houndoom, dark pulse doesn't do too.much.
2 acrobatics takes it out.
Abomasnow has ice shard. Oh no. Nala should be able to handle it right? (The veil is up)
Despite the veil flamethrower does a lot to abomasnow, so much so that wood hammer recoil takes itself out.
Now the veil works. And I got a flinch! The next dark pulse didn't flinch however,but a shell smash went up. Oh no. (Nala is defeated by a sucker punch).
Goated get a bulk up on the teapot, then max potion after a shadow ball does a lot of damage . Evidently, he's not right Mon for the job, sylph takes it better...nvm he gets koed. I accidentally play around sucker punch with a bulk up, but goated also falls.
Fletchie lives on 1hp to flare blitz the teacup into oblivion.
I send goo against amoonguss...and somehow she's able to counter it's spores (she has sap sipper, not hydration), so it's forced to go for toxic...which goo destroys with power of friendship.
Seriously??? (And I misclick a bulk up 1hp live from a revived goated). I max potion him as he tanks an aerial ace.
Yes, I took it out! That was too close, I'm definitely going to need more exp to fight the eeveelutions team.
Curiosity I found while trying to train with the dragon tamers at the lake, they all had held items,and all 3 dragons Kalos dragons nonetheless.
Should have waited...oh well.
Goo finally evolved...right when I was feeling gloomy about grinding. Thanks a lot game. Now I feel confident enough to take penny on.
I lead noisy into Umbreon, then swap to goo becuz it's Umbreon, I need to lower it's bulk, via acid spray.
Goo suddenly got main char plot armor and tanked all of umbreons hits. Heck, she was able to defeat Umbreon with only acid spray.
For some reason I send Nala into Vaporeon instead of goated, so I attempt to correct that mistake...and goated got hit by baby doll eyes.
Vaporeon I'm sure is passive so j could set up on it. 1 bulk up. Aurora Beam does nothing.
2 Bulk Ups. Back to normal attack. Still tanking aurorar beam.
I'm not going for 3, I just horn leech, and Vaporeon is down.
Next up is Flareon, so goo returns to the battlefield. 1 quick claw muddy water send Flareon to orange, and goo barely survives a flare blitz. I pop a max potion to stop goo from getting defeated and goo eats a quick attack. I click acid spray on accident as goo eats it...and the recoil takes Flareon out.
Somehow leafeon survived fletchies flare blitz, and fletchie got a disrespect flame body burn on it before it's downed by a returning no item acrobatics.
I think I can set up on Jolteon...until a thunder para hax'd me, forcing me to full restore. Baby doll eyes is walling me hard, so I swap into Nala for real, and she gets paralyzed too from thunder.
Nala manages to survive on 1hp against another thunder and get a lorb powered hyper voice off before lorb takes her out.
I swap goated in, then sylph in case it went for baby doll eyes, but sylph just gets strick by thunder. Sylph then gets a calm mind off as Jolteon tries to baby doll eyes him. Twice. Finally Jolteon misses thunder as a +2 shadow ball takes it out.
Now,for a Sylveon Ditto match.
We both send each other to orange with moonblast but Penny's Sylveon is faster.
I beat penny with her own ace LOL. Thanks for letting me get +2 special stats!
Hmm...white herb Noivern that can drop a draco? Nvm.
Anywho , elite 4 time next. Whether I can Speedrun to area 0 is a different story...