Part 8:
Part changes: Scattor is sent to the box (permanently) in place of sylph, who I change the nature to modest as he came with careful.
I also use the non titan tatsus to exp grind goo, who has the lucky egg.
Becuz of no rain I temporarily send goo to the box and train noizy instead,he evolves after defeating a slaking. Unfortunately he didn't come with boomburst, which I wanted to use with throat spray. That said he's gotten exponentially stronger.
I also evolve berg into avalugg, who may come in handy later.
Found a stake.
Also I tried stalling for rain for about an hour and avoiding battling with goo in hand before I finally snapped and got rid of my free shot at instant goodra by having noizy defeat a skrelp. Now I can actually fight dozo now.
Those jaws could eat anything... anywho I didn't want to use noizy for this, so I swap goated in on a water pulse, then set up a bulk up (eat a body slam but get para hax'd),break through para hax to take it to orange with horn leech while eating a water pulse, fall to para hax (then destroy it with power of friendship), finishing dozo off.
Phase 2, I start with an immediate bulk up as Greedent gets a tail whip off and eats a water pulse. I horn leech dozo, taking it to orange, Greedent takes down dozo but eat and order up and recoil in the process. 1 more horn leech takes dozo out.
Now it's sylphs turn to shine against tatsu, I swap him in as gogoats grass moves are resisted, and Greedent eats a dragon pulse while using take down on tatsu.
Greedent is taken out by muddy water, Sylph gets off a moonblast that sends tatsu to orange. 2 more take it out (as it misses muddy water and lands icy wind)
Well, I think I'm not gonna do any more party swaps after this, it may be a bit risky to do so and have to train up weaker mons. I'm willing to beat AI SADA with a sliggoo if I can't get a goodra.
Anywho, I think I should be able to handle the arven fight with a bit of luck. I have mons who can take out some of his in theory.
Also I decided it's time for an outfit change, I keep wanting to for so long, and I decided to. Plus it's prob better protection in area zero.
I set up calm mind with sylph against Greedent, tanking a body slam, then unleash a +1 moonblast and barely survive another hit. (And ofc it stared to rain. Seriously??) I max potion and eat psychic fangs, then take Greedent out with another moonblast.
Next is toedscool, so in comes talonflame z who's aerial ace does over half as sludge bomb takes me to orange.
It lived on 1 HP and spored me, forcing me to full restore and get poisoned afterwards. 1 quick attack takes toedscruel out. (Also the rains gone).
Goo takes garg on...and doesn't do a lot as rocks come in (rip fletchie and noizy). Water pulse again, goo barely survives a stone miss. Stone miss takes goo out.
Time for Gogoat to clutch.
Seed bomb deletes garg, and is itself deleted for leaf blade. Can it take cloyster...wait scovillain? Huh.
I set up a bulk up as fire blast misses. This I'll be useful against cloyster. Fire Miss connects this time however, and Gogoat is downed.
Scovillain somehow fire blasts me, apparently it's got nothing to hit me with.
I swap Nala into cloyster, and somehow decimates cloister with hyper voice (no crit to boot).
Last but not least is mabostuff so I swap Sylveon in. I max potion (3/5 items used)
Moonblast manages to take manostiff to red HP after sylph eats a play rough, so I used max potion to be able to finish the job Alive.
Technically I was under levelled but managed to put up a good fight.
Next time, Eris going down.