Part 7:
Party change: Scattor in place of kelpitcool...Noizy in place of Flo.
This is likely the last Mon I catch and add to rotation. Not this time tho.
Anywho nemona battle time...and I lead with noizy who I really want to evolve..oh no. Luckily I have gogoat. Lycanroc gets accelrock off and a rock slide before going down.
Not really who I had in mind...
I swap noibat in, then Gogoat who eats a d pulse from sliggoo. I set up a bulk up, then EQ sliggoo to take it out.
Pawmot t waves Gogoat, horn leech takes it down to red. Desperation wild charge fails to take Gogoat out, and noizy comes back in after gogoat seed bombs pawmot.
Of course noisy doesn't take it out, and he's decimated by flower tricks crit boost, leaving flethchie to finish up. Jeez, can't I switch up what mons I use from time to time?
I do the challenge with Goo.. somehow the angry button makes her sad. Poor goo. Anywho she managed to decimate the 1st trainers Gothorita in 2 d pulses. The Kirlia goes down to 2 water pulses.
The second trainer I use acid spray twice while tanking psyshocls, and a dragon pulse defeats the pig.
Goo was on low HP so I swap in flethchy to deal with medicham, who survives an aerial ace and jump kicks my falcon. Luckily fletchy still has quick attack up his feathers.
For indeedee I swap in Noizy. While it sets up a calm mind, I go for super fang, becuz indeedee I'm sure has a heck ton of HP so this is necessary. Noizy gets rekt by a +1 psychic, but his super fang allowed nala to take indeedee out with a dark pulse,learnt via TM I found while training.
Speaking of Nala, I lead her into the alfornada gym....and it's raining come on. (Then again goo is a slow grower so not like I can evolve it...may actually have to run eviolite sliggoo...)
Farigiraf was downed in 2 dark pulses, tho it got a zen headbutt in, and I swap in goo after gardy wrecks nala...only for a quick claw water pulse to not take it out becuz rain went bye bye
Goo gets defeated by 2 d gleams, so
Fletchie quick attack to the rescue yet again.
Espathra is burned by flare blitz (what r the odds?) and a psychic does a bit of damage.
Tera Aerial Ace doesn't take it out...but burn does.
Fletchie is too weak to face florges, so it's up to goated to save the day yet again. I set up bulk up as florges teras to psychic, and tank a moonblast (which drops my sp attack...not like I'm using it anyway.) EQ doesn't take florges out as I eat another moonblast, so I swap to stab seed bomb, and florges is down.
Snow slope run I got a new low score becuz I missed quite a few banners. Anywho it's nala vs grusha (becuz flare blitz can't do anything in snow)
I use frosmoth as set up to get +4 in special attack via work up, and stall out the tail wind (it's blizzard keeps missing). Nala then proceeds to melt grushas entire team. Yep, even cetitan.
Now with all my mons available to use, I'm ready to fast track to area zero in the next few eps.