Here's my team set up for today. Noizy will be back eventually I promise,I just want to use as many Kalos mons as possible considering gen 10 may prevent me from using them ever again.
Skrelp (if it evolves while I'm fighting Ortega it's gonna be so unfortunate) has poison point and toxic, so pretty much I can use it to cripple any non steel types.
I don't know why Harrington's morgrem tried to set up to +4 nasty plot, anywho venoshock takes it out.
Flo is here becuz I didn't want kelpitcool to get taken out by Psychic, ironic as flare blitz recoil and psychic took fletchie out after draining kiss did donkeys to hattrerm. Goated was able to finish the job however.
(Also apparently I'm a bit under leveled for this. Ooh boy).
Goated, Fletchie and Kelpitcool are running the barrage this round. Only goated took significant damage.
Anywho, I got 5 item uses, let's see what I can do.
Kelpitcool toxics Azumarill who goes for bounce. He then eats the bounce and does significant damage with venoshock. Azumarill then charms my sea dragon before going down to venoshocl number 2.
Wigglytuff almost takes out my kelp with body slam as it sets up toxic, so I full restore it. Kelp then eats a play rough. Body slam number 2, and venoshock deals a heavy amount of damage to wigglytuff and toxic takes it out.
My kelp gets eaten by dachsbun for breakfast, and send in Gogoat to set up bulk up...and gets baby doll eyes. He survives a play rough due to bulk up but I need those defense boosts. Play rough crits my goat as I attempt a triple bulk up. I full restore my goat as it eats another play rough.
Dachsbun keeps using play rough on me and does nothing as 2 seed bombs take it out. I hope I can survive the car noe.
I eat the steel roller and do pretty decent damage with seed bomb, and 4th item is gone as confuse ray is set up, and confuse ray eats my final full heal and magical torque confuses goat again despite me surviving it.
Gogoat 1st turn hits self in confusion. Then he snaps out of it yo land a tera seed bomb to send the car to orange.
Confuse Ray again. EQ lands
Goat eats another magical torque, and tera seed bomb destroys the car. While under levelled!
Man, Gogoat is mad powerful!
Welp, there goes Flos Big Root. Specs unfortunately doesn't work with the set I'm running, so wise glasses it is.
Or I just remove magical leaf since I have t blast grass.
(In the end grassy terrain git axed-It was flo's idea!)
Sylph may prove to be tough competition for flo as a fellow fairy.
Anywho, time for my least favorite part of SV: the trip to alfornada.
At long I have to use it in just about every battle until she evolves.
Ooh kelpitcool evolved too.
Welp that took way too long. Tulip tomorrow.