Why is Gengar getting changed to Ghost and Psychic? It was already mid (although he’s a goat), why nerf it. It’s gonna be super weak to Dark now
Im not stupid, but it should still be psychic types, not a ghost and poison (unless its changing)
Drampa: Dragon, Normal
Flapple: Dragon, Grass
Dragapult: Dragon, Ghost
Goomy: Dragon
Meltan: Steel
Cufant: Steel
Scizor: Steel, Bug
Tinkaton: Steel, Fairy
Scream Tail: Psychic, Fairy
G. Ponyta: Psychic
Espeon: Psychic
Gengar: Ghost, Poison
Please, do your research on the tcg
This is painful to listen to, so I'm unfollowing.
@Theoci4 I did, but even if Gengar has that type, it represents ghost, psychic, and fairy.
Don't ping me. I said I was unfollowing.
@GamingDoooooge Stop or the post is being locked
I feel like he is trolling now.
Alr fine
What do you think?