I know it’s a common question, but it’s still a good one.
Mine is Crobat.
Other ones I love are Froakie (my First Pokémon), Bulbasaur (My Old Reliable), The Paldea Starters, The Cosmog Line, Litten, Popplio, Koraidon, Miraidon, Torchic, Fletchling and their respective evolutions (bar Combusken and Dartrix)
BUT reshiram tho whyyyy RESHIRAM?
Bc Reshiram is cool
Sobble and also Magikarp.
@InlandTaipan yes reshiram is very cool
Alolan Raichu :D
1. Arceus
2. Genesect
3. Koraidon
4. Rayquaza
5. Groudon
6. Rhyperior
7. Dusknoir
8. Dragonite
9. Metagross
10. Gyarados
My Number one (with its evo-line) is Meganium, but Giratina is a very Close second.
What do you think?