74 Votes in Poll
Current rumors are a new Unova game that connects to the Indigo Disk and lets you fight your Scarlet and Violet trainer. Of course these are just rumors.
I don’t want another legends game. I just want to play through Unova again.
I hope it's Legends Celebi but based on the recent instagram posts it's gonna be Legends Mew
I think I'm ok with anything, if its something unexpected that uses Fake Out on me it would be preferred
Considering it’s going to be Johto’s 25th anniversary, I’m hoping for a legends Johto.
Pokemon black 5 and white 5
Bro Black and White 4 was pretty horrible, I’m sure the fifth remake will be better
Hold on! When did Unova have two extra sequels following B2W2?
Have you been living under a rock for the past decade?
What do you think?