Personally i am surprised, idky y. also in case you don't know what palworld is, it's basically Pokémon mixed with call of duty. tbh i would play it if i got my hands on a copy.
Source: Trust Me Bro.
doesn't look like you read any of them though
Not sure how reputable IGN and Forbes are
But shouldn't you show that in the post
Or were you waiting for someone to ask for a source
Wait cande has a point
You didn't read any of them
I read another articel and my paraeducator told me about it cuz he also plays pokemon
Okok but my point still stands
if you actually read these why didn't you put it in your post 😭
Like at least say where you got your info from
Even if they aren't the most credible sites you should at least say where you get your info from
Becouse i didnt think of it that much, and not trying to sound rude but i didnt really think it really mattered, i could edit my post if you like.
Ah alright I get it
The only reason why having a source matters here is that there's a lot of misinformation about Pal Word and Pokemon going around rn
People could also check the source by just looking for the sites in the images you posted so editing the post isn't an obligation anymore
But you can still edit it if you like
What do you think?