Start with a Pokémon Character, Item, Move, etc. User 2 will then take the last letter, and say another word that starts with said letter.
User 1: Ivysaur
User 2: Rookidee
User 3: Emboar
User 4: Rampardos
User 5: Sabi
And so on and so forth.
Don’t use the same thing more than once. (If you say Koraidon, don’t use it anymore. Everyone still has the chance to say it until they eventually do.)
Don’t get stuck in a loop of names, (Turtonator, Rowlet, Turtonator, Rowlet…) Use another pokémon thing that starts with the letter.
Things that start and end in the same letter can’t be said twice. If Electrode was the last one, do not use Electrode again.
Don’t use off topic things such as Table or United States.
No consecutive turns, wait for another person to reply before you.
You can join the game, even if you made the atlas.
If you reply to something that has been continued from, then edit your reply to fit the one above you. (Someone said Maushold before I got to say Magmar. So I edit it to something that starts with D, since Maushold ends with it.)
Sentences are prohibited.
Don’t use fakemon.
Put off-topic conversations in parenthesis, or ( ). Please note that this rule does not mean you can chat. Only talk about the game and point out the mistakes.
If you say things like titles, say their exact name and start with the last letter of the name. (Gym Leader Brock, Youngster Joey, etc) Same goes for pokemon. (Nidoran Female, Zygarde 10%)
If you want to say regional variants, check if the last reply ends with the region’s first letter. (The last reply ends in A, so I can say Alolan Exeggutor. Don’t put “Exeggutor Alola” or something like that.)
For things ending in numbers like Porygon2 or Generation 1, go with the number’s word form. (PorygonTWO, Generation ONE)
Anyone can renew this, so if you do, add the next number (498) in the title.
Ping a mod (using the @) once this post has reached 24 hours.
Have fun!
Let’s Start!