Tierno (in general)
He’s fine
*Sigh* yeah. Like most characters in your opinion. Just “fine.”😒
His shirt is nice I agree
But I haven't heard of him before (Or I don't remember hearing about him)
Well, in the anime, he’s a member of that trio that has the Kanto starters as their signature Pokémon: Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor. Tierno and Shauna are similar for possessing a rhythmic style and outlook.
He's fine, but he doesn't really have much going for him. The anime made him more interesting at least.
That’s for sure. His team is decent: Blastoise, Ludicolo, Hitmontop, Politoed, and Raichu.
If you ever wanna meet a guy who can dance, meet up with my man, Tierno, so you can act like your in France! 👍
I don't really know because i never know about this character
What his name?
What do you think?