Start with a Pokémon Character, Item, Move, etc. User 2 will then take it’s last letter, and say another thing that starts with said letter.
THE TWIST - Type using your eyes closed. This will make things more challenging and hopefully more fun for users who scroll past these posts.
User 1: Ivysaur
User 2: Rooekiadee
User 3: Emdoar
User 4: Ramparos
User 5: Sanbi
And so on and so forth.
Don’t use the same thing multiple times. Use another pokémon thing that starts with the letter. (If you say Sabi you can’t say her name anymore. However, the rest can still use Sabi until they eventually say her name.)
Don’t use off topic names such as United States or Rick Astley.
No consecutive turns, wait for another person to reply before you.
You can join the game, even if you made the atlas.
If you accidentally reply to a reply that has been continued from, then edit your reply to fit the one above you.
Sentences (such as “Beedrill wearing a hat” or “Dodrio scratched me”) are prohibited.
Don’t use fakemon.
Put off-topic conversations in parenthesis ( ).
If you say things like Youngster or Gym Leader, say their exact name and start with the last letter of the name. (Gym Leader Brock, Youngster Joey, etc.)
If you say a version, go with the last letter of the first word. (Red Version)
Anyone can renew this, so if you do, add the next number (458) in the title.
Ping a mod (using the @) once this post has reached 24 hours. Have fun!
Let’s Start!