The first person I see suggest a Pokémon I decide to use I will name the Pokémon after them so please name Pokémon you want me to use in the routes that would be next and if a Pokémon faints well in a gym battle, team star, titan, or a champion they are considered dead and can not be used. This is the cops have you seen or heard anyone named sky, James, void they have been hiding in the rule because no one reads them
You are coming with me
Why thank you
This a robery
No matter the level I will rob you
Oh it's you again
Why would I be with someone right now
This is going to take awhile
Now it's time for
See what it can do with it
This can can revive some
But not now
What is this
Who is this
Who knew that highway robbery was so easy
See you in part 15 part 2 what is that name
Ping list
Ping list done tell me if you want to be Pinged you want to be Pinged