You start walking down a trail to the right, picking up a fallen tree branch as you go. You can see the flickering light of a fire a little further down the path, and decide to head towards it. As you get closer, you can see that an old man is sitting by the fire, roasting an apple. He glances up as you approach and exclaims “Oho ho! Well met, stranger! It's rather unusual to see another soul in these parts!” “Who are you?” you ask him. “ Me? I'll spare my life story. I'm just an old fool who has lived here, alone, for quite some time now.”
Honedge flys up next to you, causing the Old Man to jump. “You have a Pokemon?” he asks “Only very important people are allowed to have those! The Royal Family must hold you in high regard.” You reply “Where am I?’ He tells you “This is the Great Plateau. According to legend, this is the birthplace of the entire kingdom of Hyrule.” “Now, if you want to get out of here, you’ll need a tool of some sort… I’ll make you a deal. Let me see your Sheikah Dex.”
You hand it to him, and he fiddles with it for a few seconds before handing it back to you. “I marked a location on your map. Head there, get the treasure at the point, and I’ll give you the tool. Safe travels!” you walk away from him and continue down the path. You see a large structure to your right. It kind of looks like a cross between a church and a stronghold, made out of stone and metal with a tower jutting out of the roof. Ruins surround the building, and strange robotic octopus-looking things lie broken around the ruins.
A shrieking noise jolts you away from your thoughts. An orange, goblin-like creature with a small unicorn-like horn on its head snuck up behind you while you were studying the ruins and leapt forward to attack! It holds a crude wooden club, and has an equally crude wooden bow strapped to its back.
Honedge speeds in front of you, blocking the creature’s blow. It shrieks again and starts to swing its club around and around. You backed up as fast as you can, but it wasn’t fast enough!
The creature strikes you right in the head! Pain stabs through you once again, and you fall to the ground. The creature lets out a snarling laugh, and prepares to deal the finishing blow.
You quickly pull out your Sheikah Dex, and both screens light up. The left screen tells you the creature you're fighting is called a “Bokoblin ''. It has some other information too, but you don’t have time to read that now! You tap the attack icon you didn’t press yet, Metal Claw. Honedge starts to shimmer with silver energy, then slashes upward, raking the Bokoblin across the chest. He looks down at his gaping wound in shock, then falls to the ground and disappears in a poof of purple dust. It leaves behind its horn, club, bow, and a few bundles of arrows. You pick them all up and put the horn and arrows in your pouch. You keep the bow and club out, in case another Bokoblin attacks you.
Biiiidooof! You hear a noise behind you, and whip out your bow. You load an arrow at… nothing? Biiiiid Bidoof! You hear it again! It seems to have come by down at your feet. You look down, and see an adorable little animal sitting in the grass. It resembles a beaver, with long incisors and brown fur. You take out your Sheikah Dex to see if it knows what this thing is. The right screen tells you that it’s called Bidoof. You don’t feel threatened by it, so you reach down to pet it between the ears. As you reach for it, it chomps down on your hand, then runs away. That little- blood starts to slowly drip down your hand, the sharp pain interrupting your thoughts yet again. You pick a large leaf of a nearby tree and wrap it around your wound, creating a makeshift bandage. You grit your teeth and continue down the path.
You head towards the place the voice in your head told you to go, traveling through a dense forest. During your journey, you meet several of what the Sheikah Dex tells you are Fletchling, Caterpie, and Magikarp. You have Honedge fight some of them, and eventually it learns a new move, Night Slash! You reach your destination in just a few minutes of travel.
There’s a small cave with a pedestal like the one back in that place you woke up in.It has similar designs carved into the walls, too. The voice returns, calling to you “Touch the Sheikah Dex to the pedestal”. You do as it says, and the floor beneath you starts to rumble and shake. You feel yourself start to rise, the hill on top of the cave breaking apart like glass. The floor stops high in the air, giving you an amazing view of the land around you.
You realize that the cave wasn’t a cave after all, but a tower! The tower has a cone-like roof, and ledges lead the way down, allowing you to climb down from the top. Your Sheikah Dex springs to life, the land around you filing itself in on your map.
The voice says “Look over at Hyrule Castle.” You gaze down at the castle. It seems to have been made in a similar style to that of the ruins further back. Towers and battlements scream towards the sky, and many smaller structures dot the land around the castle. The only thing out of place are the four giant red, tan, and black pillars surrounding the castle. Looking at them makes your spine crawl, for a reason you don’t quite understand.
Red clouds suddenly erupt from the pillars, bathing the castle in a bloody glow. To your horror, the clouds start to solidify, forming a terrifying entity. It looks like a mix of a boar and a dragon, and it starts to fly around the castle. It roars, somehow making the ground of your faraway tower shudder. “That is Calamity Ganon '' The voice tells you. “Slay it, and Hyrule will be safe once again”. What? How could you kill something like that? It could crush you without even breaking a sweat! Honedge looks worried too, beads of sweat glistening on its blade. “Save us, Link. Your our only hope..” The voice fades away.
You’re going to need to get off this plateau if you want to even have a hope of slaying Calamity Ganon, so you’ll have to get the treasures for the Old Man. What could be at the marker on your map?...