If they magically got turned into animals base of the 12 Chinese Zodiacs🐉🐒🐅🐍🐎🐂🐏🐓🐇🐕🐀🐖
Giovanni turn into a big flying ferocious fire breathing Chinese dragon.🐉
Jessie turn into a big poisonous cobra snake.🐍
James turn into a big vicious dog.🐕
Meowth turn into a big ferocious tiger.🐅
Wobbuffet a big crazy snub-nosed monkey.🐒
Matori turn into a big rampaging stallion horse.🐎
Chloe, her Eevee and Goh's Flygon turn into three little bunny rabbits.🐇
Goh, his Cinderace and his Aerodactyl turn into three little horn headed sheep/rams.🐏
Ash and Pikachu would use the magic zodiac stone to turn all of the Team Rocket troops and their Pokémon into little rats🐀 And use it to change Goh, Chloe, Eevee, Cinderace, Aerodactyl and Flygon back again.