Why is it an evolution? It would work perfectly fine as a past Paradox form. Just call it, like "Dipping Spine" or something.
It, in my opinion, ruins the thing the Applin line had going. Until now, Applin evolved into 2 different kinds of Pokemon: one where it broke out of the apple, and one where it stayed in the apple. Now there's one where it broke and 2 where it stayed in. Sure, you could argue that Flapple is it breaking out, Dipplin is it staying in, and Appletun is only fusing with it, but Flapple kind of fused with it too, using it as body parts, just to a lesser extent than Appletun. Dipplin didn't fuse with it all. It also ruins the thing of Applin's evolutions having the same Gigantamax form (which Applin resembles for some reason). It also ruined the fact that Applin evolved via version exclusive items only.
It looks way too similar to Applin. The only differences in the design are the spike, the lack of brown, and that the apple is melting. 3. 3 differences.