So last time, people suggested I train Primeape to get annhilape for Larry. I tried, but lost poor Minor to a wild fletchinder.
That said, Larry was handled well by most of my team, tho seaspray (floatzel) was decimated by a tera normal facade.
Also, Squawkbox (corviknight) is an mvp. He helped take down larrys staraptor and decimated Atticus back uing skuntank to boost power trip to the max> Oh and without tera and a hug level advantage, tanked flower trick like it was nothing.
Quickstrike (dudunsparce) is also so, it's bulk an hyper drill coming in clutch on many occasions. Skalor (Gyarados) is also pretty useful to blast though most stuff.
Anywho, I swapped in Longrack (girafarig) and Centurion (carkoal) to replace my losg members, and they evolved soon after.
I got a lot of mons: Dachsbun, axew, deino, snorunt (and therefore glalie yay!) And greedent.
Next stop: ryme!