Today was a shorter session due to to appointments.
I ended up losing (bramblin) Tumbler to a crit wild girarafig psybeam. I later swapped in tentakill (a toedscool I had acquired earlier via tera raid) and managed to have it caught up only for a lower level donphan to take it out.
At this point, I should probably just stick to switch training new members.
I was low on hope when Squawkbox (Corvisquire) evolved into corviknight. Corviknight was one of my fav gen 8 mons, and it somehow gave me hope to carry on.
Anywho, I got a pinurchin (Plasma) outside of.porto marinada, who later helped take out kofus Veluza before falling to crabominable. Skalor (Gyarados) was used for wugtrio and quickstrike (dudunsparce) revenge killed crabominable.
Becuz I didn't have much time left, I went back to the academy and used Every single lesson to get exp candy s from the tests to get Minor (A Mankey) up to speed (and accidentally evolving it, tho admittedly I'm worried about evolving it to Annhilape).
Should I take down Atticus next, or Larry?
(Tusk is probably still out of range for me)