Does anyone here hate/dislike the Slowpoke line
I see Slowpoke, Slowbro and Slowking placed high on tier lists in many places and I want to see if some people dislike/hate them
That is a good point. I like it, I also don’t consider it overrated as it isn’t really talked about a ton
It’s ok
Funny guy
I enjoy watching the slo evolution line in anime, but I imagine it would be pretty annoying in games.
I only like the line since my favorite character uses it.
They're okay. I don't particularly like them, but I don't particularly dislike them either.
They're just meh
I've grown to like the Slowpoke line ever since people used Slowbro for those Cinderace radis a few months ago
I love those silly fellas
bro has been my pfp for months
the only reason it’s been getting any attention lately(never heard anyone say a single thing about em beforehand)is because it’s been excelling in a handful of those seven star raids
What do you think?