Crii: this place is beutiful
Fred: oh look a city
Aiden: let’s go
Kate: Ok
Kate’s dad: wait up guys
Kate Fred Aiden and Crii: AN ARCADE!!!!!!!
Kate: wait I don’t think we should go yet we have a mission remember
Kate’s dad: that’s the first time you have said no to an arcade
Kate: I still think I’m 25 dad
Fred: you don’t look 25
Kate: but I am
Crii: you look 10
Kate: but I’m not
Aiden: my sister said u r
Kate: how would your sister know
Aiden: her name was Amanda
Kate: oh I remember her we used to train together
Aiden: she got lost last year
Fred: do u wannna talk about it
Aiden: I’m good man
Fred and crii: if u ever want to talk about it we are here
Aiden ok thanks
Kate’s dad: wait is that a- no it can’t be
Kate: what
Kate’s dad: REGIGIGAS
Fred: zero I chose you
Kate: come on watcher
Crii: gastly show him your power
Aiden: Todd go
Soms time passed battling regigigas
Kate’s dad: it won’t get damaged
???: let me handle this
Aiden: AMANDA!!!!!!!
Amanda: Aiden!!
Aiden: what u doing here
Amanda: the heroes akari and rei asked me to get the plate from regigigis so regidrago use dragon puls
Regigigas faints and Amanda recives the blank plate
Aiden: wanna join us
Amanda: when the dictator harley is done with me sure