(These are just my personal opinions, you don't have to agree with me! Very few people have the same least faves!)
(These are just my personal opinions, you don't have to agree with me! Very few people have the same least faves!)
@Controlbox16 I love pretty much all ghost types, so Gholdengo was kind of my last resort
PigKnight is fire fighting not a pure fighting type. You have to choose pure type not a duel type
Never understood why people hated Aromatisse
@Hydreigon 511 353 I don't think there's any rules
I can relate to most of these
Although Idk whats so bad about pansear
Noo Phione my baby! Love this though
I agree with everthing except for tynamo and impidimp
Most of these I understand, but may I ask you a question, why do so many people dislike Pignite? I've always really liked it and its entire line, yet I consistently see so much hate for the middle evolution specifically. I just wanna know why, what's wrong with it?
@Talking Gina Like many other Pokemon on my list, Pignite isn't a Pokemon that I hate, I just like it less than a lot of other fighting types. For me, it's kind of in the same boat as Quiladin, where it evolves from a cute Pokemon that I like into something that I think is kind of silly-looking. It also reminds me of one of the pigs in the Angry birds movie.
@Frostthecatto Okay, that makes more sense. And I've never really liked Quilladin either, but unlike Quilladin whih barely looks like Chesnaught, Pignite kinda works. It looks like an in between of Tepig and Emboar which is excactly what it's supposed to be. And yes, I have seen people compare Pignite to the pigs from the Angry Birds Movie before, and as much as I would like to deny that I don't think I can.