If you could be from any region and have any 6 Pokemon, where would you be from? What pokemon would you own?
For me...
Region: Paldea
Hometown: Idk
Pokemon: Cinderace, Greninja, Gengar, Miraidon, Rillaboom, and Dragonite
Hometown: opelucid city
Pokemon: Bisharp, Volcarona, Stoutland, Cofagrigus, Emolga, Seismitoad
Hometown: idk
Pokemon: Primarina, Stoutland, Toucannon, Salazzle, Oricorio
Region: Galar or Kalos
Hometown: Idk, maybe Wyndon in Galar
Pokemon: Alolan Ninetales, Sylveon, Roaring Moon(Probably), Great Tusk, Basculegion and Wyrdeer or Hisuian Typlosion
Hometown: anywhere
Pokemon: Meowscarada, Flutter Mane, Roaring Moon, Sylveon, Primarina, Marshadow
Region: Kalos
Hometown: Lumiose City
Pokemon: Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Sylveon, Umbreon, Delphox (In order of use and power, most Trainers can't get through Eevee #1)
(In the game TVT, (Not official and can't be released) I am the Champion of Foxbreed and have a Gigantamax Delphox Foxbreedian Form.)
Foxbreed 💀
That just sounds bad, out of context
Region: Alola
Pokemon: Decidueye, Mimikyu, gengar, spiritomb, Marshadow (ace pokemon)
Pokemon: Mismagius, Noivern, Appletun, Cramorant, Quagmire, Furret
Hometown: Ever Grande City
@Vegabloom'sApprentice You also like marshadow?