Paldea. He arrived by boat at the edge of Levincia. He hopped off, and walked up the beach to the grassy plains nearby. It was always sunny in Paldea, and the day seemed calm and warm. He walked around the grassland, watching Tauros battle eachother, Floettes browsing through the floral options, Fletchinder flying high in the sky above. He'd been helping Professor Oak with some studies, but he was back in Paldea after a while. He was just watching some Mareep play when there was a muffled boom, followed by a huge crash. He watched in horror as a whole section of the mountains around Area 0 came down, like a million Golems using rockslide all at the same time. He stumbled backwards, and a huge cloud of dust from the pulverised rocks came up, like a Charmeleon using smokescreen. It made his vision hazy, and got in his eyes. He ran, dodging rocks left and right. A few small ones were showered over his head, and it hurt, but he didn't stop. It was a miracle the rocks hadn't crushed him. The dust was clearing a bit, and through the haze he could make out a few dark shapes coming out of the broken walls. It was horrifying really. The debris in the air started to clear, making it easier to see. There were a hoard of alien like Pokemon coming out of the crater. Lead by a creature he'd never seen before. It was red for the most part, with feathers crested on it's head, and protruding from it's back, near the tail. It had webbed claws, and triumph and smugness was etched into it's face. He hid in the rubble, hoping it wouldn't notice him. He knew it would be able to kill him in a heartbeat, and he wanted to live for a little while longer. He sneaked through the rubble, until he was a fair distance away. He bolted for it, running as fast as he could in the other direction. The beast looked over at him, it's awful yellow eyes pinning him down. It growled, and to his horror, one of the alien Pokemon ran towards him. It was like a Donphan, but impossibly huge, and it was red on it's feet, and green on it's body, and had two massive curling tusks on it's face. He ran, but it was catching up quickly. Should I try to battle it? he thought, panting as he ran along. It seemed like the best choice, but also like a huge mistake. There was a crash, and some rocks crumbled over it, trapping the beast. "Don't stop, just run! As far away from Area 0 as possible!" Called out a voice with a note of authority in it that made him obey, then question. Who did that voice bolong to? Was it a trick? Could it be trusted? He couldn't stop thinking about that as he ran off, towards the coast, away from this disaster.
Max's pov in the Fanfic, next is Archeron. (I'm doing everyone's pov of the walls going down before they all meet)