(Sorry about the 1 day delay)
Welcome to the third round of The Fakemon Art Contest! Last time I had you guys draw eeveelutions, and all of you did amazing jobs! The votes can be seen below!
SweetChikorita-1 vote
Peacockfeatheredraccon-4 votes
Ultra OwO- 3 votes
Frostthecatto- 8 votes
Mimikyu006- 6 votes
BottedAccount- 5 votes
WolfNxtra- 3 votes
Everything Chomik- 3 votes
MrZorx75- 5 votes
Sadly that means SweetChikorita has been eliminated…
But Frostthecatto has also won the last round! Great job on Wyveon!
Anyway time for round 3! For this round you’ll be doing something a little different this time you’ll be…
Making a Legendary trio with your fellow competitors!
I’ve put you guys into random teams and together you guys will make a trio of legendaries!
Frostthecatto ✔️
Ultra OwO ✔️
PeacockFeatheredRaccoon ✔️
Everything Chomik ✔️
BottedAccount ✔️
MrZorx75 ✔️
WolfNXtra ✔️
The JK Jester is Back ✔️
You guys can discuss what you want your trio theme to be here or somewhere else! If one of your teammates doesn’t submit in time or drops out of the contest your team will get an extra vote. Since Frost had won the previous round, they will be safe of elimination even if the rest of their team gets eliminated. If there’s a tie between two teams a poll on the wiki will be posted.