For me it is
Favorite: Revavroom
Least Favorite: Tinkaton
My poor baby Sandy Shocks
im sorry i just find it so weird to see a magneton with sand in its name
the elongated magnets scare me
Nooo not Sandy Shocks :O
Naw, it's all good. It's not my favourite but I like it better than Greavard
Its an opinion dont apologies lolZa
I didnt like the past forms until i gave it a try^^
Sandy Shocks isn't too special imo, but it does have a funny lil walking animation and I like that
You aren't wrong
I like sprigatito, Naclstack (becuse its obviously based on minecraft) and meridon
I hate fucoco and quaxly 2nd evolutions and 3rd ev, and thats pretty much it :/ all the others are fine to me
It isn't based on Minceraft.
Fav: Cetitan, maybe?
Least Fav: Tandemaus.
My favourite would be los Gatos (the cats) and the dogs.
Other than them, my favourite would probably be Garganacl.
Also 48th.
What do you think?