Gen 1: Dragonite
Gen 2: Celebi
Gen 3: Absol
Gen 4: Staraptor
Gen 5: Archeops
Gen 6: Greninja
Gen 7: Decidueye
Gen 8: Flapple
Gen 9: Annihilape
Gen 1: Ninetails
Gen 2: Houndoom
Gen 3: Mightyena
Gen 4: Lucario and Skuntank currently are tie
Gen 5: Zoroark
Gen 6: Delphox
Gen 7: Lycanroc
Gen 8: Thievul
Gen 9: Koriadon
1: Haunter
2: Quagsire
3: Salamence
4: Palkia
5: Genesect
6: Greninja
7: Zeraora
8: Dragapult
9: Koraidon
I'm not experienced as to what pokemon are in which region
All I know is Blacephalon is the best Alolan pokemon
Toxtricity is the best Galarian pokemon
Garganacl is the best Paldean pokemon
Idk the other regions too well
Wouldnt garganacl be paldean
Unless theres a secret hisuian nacli
I'm uneducated in the regional stuff, so if it is Paldean then sure, it's the best Paldean pokemon.
I was probably just being stupid and confusing it with a different region/area but whatever xd
Kanto: Dragonair
Johto: Sneasel
Hoenn: Milotic or Rayquaza
Sinnoh: Giratina
Unova: Zoroark
Kalos: Aegislash
Alola: Decidueye
Galar: Corviknight
Paldea: Clodsire
Gen 1= Blastoise
Gen 2= Quagsire
Gen 3= Ludicolo
Gen 4= Roserade
Gen 5= Hydreigon
Gen 6= Sylveon
Gen 7= Golisopod
Gen 8= Duraludon
Gen 9= Tinkaton
Based Gen 5 choice
What do you think?