"...Did you hit record?" asked a girl. She stood in front of the camera, microphone in hand with her brown coat. The screen went up-and-down, delighting the girl. "Good. Now, let's start!"
With an exaggerated 'ahem!', the girl stared into the lens more seriously. "Hello," she greeted. "This is Mae and we are here in a jungle to teach you more about these fascinating creatures we live with in this world!" Walking deeper in the jungle, the girl stopped by a big leaf, the camera halting as well to wait for its instructions. "And…"
The camera zoomed in on the leaf, making sure the girl was still in focus. She grabbed it, slowly pushing it down. In front of them were a couple of green, amphibian-like Pokemon.
"Right here, we have Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokemon," explained Mae.
There were quite a bit of Bulbasaur in sight. Many pairs of them played games, ranging from to see who was better with their vines, to releasing spores and powders, or even battling.
"Now…" Mae tapped on the cameraman's shoulder and pointed at the ones loafing around. "They like to rest in bright places so the bulb on their back can gain sunlight." She turned to the camera. "And did you know that it uses the energy it absorbs to grow? The bulb's seed uses this energy to sprout, causing the bulb to grow larger as the Bulbasaur grows, a sign that it's close to evolving into an Ivy-"
The camera shifted down to the direction of where the sound came from, while the girl stared at the interrupter before her. It stood on all fours just like the rest of its brethren, red eyes looking up at the human curiously.
"What do we do?" whispered the cameraman.
Mae's attention struck back to the camera. "We go on, of course!" she whispered back.
She looked back at the Pokemon. "Bulbasaur are usually shy beings," she began. "Which is why wild ones are so rare to find. But!" She held up a finger.
"They are also generally docile and tame, loyal to people they trust, which is why this Pokemon is commonly available for up-and-coming trainers in the Kanto region."
She put the microphone in front of the Bulbasaur. "Isn't that right, good saur?"
"Saur?" The Pokemon tilted its head.
"Thank you for your input!" thanked Mae, turning to the camera. "And now, let's get to our next Pokemon, Ivysaur!"
She led the way, stopping as she turned for the camera again. "Sh!" She warned, finger in front of her lips. The camera looked at the crowd of Pokemon resting in a big patch of sunlit grass.
"These are Ivysaur, listed as entry #2 on the pokedex," she started. "It is the Seed Pokemon and the evolved form of Bulbasaur. An Ivysaur's bulb is much more refined than its younger counterpart, pink petals beginning to grow, alongside the big leaves that nest it."
The Ivysaur all didn't move from the attention, still resting as Mae continued.
"Their bulbs are also heavier than a Bulbasaur's and that isn't the only thing. Ivysaur's strength is dramatically grown compared to its previous state, as it famously can learn the move, Solar Beam, naturally. However, much like Bulbasaur, their bulbs continue to grow in sunlight, but unfortunately, Ivysaur will lose the ability to stand on its hind legs once its bulb grows too big and heavy for it."
Checking on the Pokemon, it seemed that they weren't bothered.
"That went well," commented the cameraman.
"Yeah," replied Mae. "We got really lucky that it's photosynthesis season. Now then…"
She faced the camera again. "Shall we begin our last Pokemon?"
The cameraman nodded.
The cameraman got ready. "And…"
"Huh?!" Both of them shouted in surprise. It was the same Bulbasaur.
"Now what are you doing here?" asked Mae.
It was an unexpected interruption but the humans found it charming that the Bulbasaur followed them.
Eventually calming down from the distraction, the cameraman spoke up again. "Now, shall we get the last one done?"
Mae went back to face the camera. "Oh yeah! Yes!"
"Alright, and… record!"
Mae cleared her throat. "We are reaching the final Pokemon of this li-"
The two went quiet. "Bulbasaur," said Mae. "I find it adorable how you're not as shy as the others but we need to-"
A soft stomp shook the ground as a shadow loomed over. Mae looked at the camera, unmoving, her face pale. "U-uh, M-M-Mae…?" stuttered the cameraman.
"Y-yeah?" Mae responded in the same fear.
"I-I-I-I t-think-k w-eeee f-ou-nd i-its m-m-mama."
"Y-you d-d-on't s-ay?"
Tilting her head up, A scary, amphibian-like creature stood over her. The camera looked up at the Pokemon as well.
"Bulba!" The Bulbasaur danced around the Pokemon innocently. The adult Pokemon just snorted. It was very big for a Venusaur, its leaves having grown tremendously with a big flower on its back.
"A-as you can s-see…" Mae grabbed her wrist to try to stop shaking and stuttering. "This is Venusaur and much like it's previous stages, it is classified as the Seed Pokemon as well." Her voice was tense in exchange for not stuttering.
"It is the fully evolved form of Bulbasaur and the evolved form of Ivysaur."
"Mae, this is not worth it!" whisper-shouted the cameraman.
"But we're so close!" Mae responded in the same volume. She took a breath to get ready to speak again, nervously smiling at the camera.
"A Venusaur's bud will have fully blossomed into one big flower as you can see here…"
The camera zoomed in on the Pokemon's plant.
"They are docile too, preferring to sunbathe so their flower can synthesize. If you want to know the difference between Venusaurs…"
It was the camera's second cue, zooming to the top of the flower. Something yellow stuck out from atop.
"Male Venusaur don't have a bulb on the flower. But as you can see here, this one has a bulb on top, a trait female Venusaur have. But even though they're docile, it doesn't lessen how much more dangerous a Venusaur is than a Bulbasaur and Ivy-"
"Saur!" The Pokemon roared, shaking the ground once again, the leaves of trees and bushes rustling.
"AAAAAAHHHH!" screamed the cameraman.
The camera was running the opposite side of the forest, following the girl who ran ahead.
The camera finally settled down. They were in a room inside a house, Mae covered in scratches and dirt from their encounter.
"To continue where we left off," she began, exhaustedly. "We decided to show you photos and videos of what Venusaur can do as one of these things requires a trainer."
She placed the phone on a stand as the camera zoomed in on it. There was an aroma coming off a Venusaur's flower.
"Their flowers are the most powerful as it has fully grown," she explained.
'One of these things is that their aroma is very strong. If it gains a certain amount of sunlight, it'll release a sweet aroma that can soothe the emotions of people.
And after a rainy day, the smell of the flower grows stronger, attracting other Pokemon.'
She swiped to a different substance the flower released.
'The pollen of the flower is also strong too. Venusaur have lots of pollen in them, which is why some relate their flower to a volcano.
A Venusaur's pollen is no joke either, as inhaling it can cause uncontrollable sneezing, and if you breathe too much, fainting.
But it wouldn't be dangerous without its upsides, with the pollen stimulating plant growth. Now, let's get to the last two things Venusaur can do.'
The phone now played a video of a Venusaur battling, but it was shaped differently. "Do you see any differences?" Mae asked the camera in redundancy.
'This is a Mega Venusaur. If you know how mega evolution works, then this is the unique thing Venusaur can only do with a trainer as it needs to form a strong bond with one and hold a Venusaurite to mega evolve.
Its flower has grown much longer during this form, growing an extra row of leaves above the ones on the Venusaur's head. The leaf on top of a Venusaur blossoms into a flower and the Pokemon's back legs are much stronger to support the increased weight and height of the flower.
And finally…'
The last swipe was another video, showcasing a giant Venusaur with a giant flower.
'We have Gigantamax Venusaur. The flower has grown tremendously, covering the Pokemon, its petals acting like shields for it. The Venusaur's vines are also much larger and stronger too, but most dangerous of all is the pollen. In this form, Venusaur's pollen is at its strongest.
Hope you had fun learning about the Bulbasaur line with us!'
"And cut," said the cameraman.
Mae exhaled. "Finally."
"Do you think we can make that into a good video?"
"Probably. I'm beat after running away from that Venusaur."
She smiled. "Same. I need to take a shower before-"
The girl groaned. "I know, Mom!" She looked at the cameraman. "See you again to record the next?"
The lens of the camera nodded.