117 Votes in Poll
I don't care about any of them but if I had to choose, random number generator for the poll but Azumarill solos in my opinion
I will not vote til I see Azumarill on my screen because Azumarill is better than feminine bunny, Ugly Bunny, and Ronaldo Fire bunny
I said rabbit Pokemon line
Marill and whatever the first one is aren't rabbits
The Marill line reminds me of mice
Yeah, which is why I understand the poll. Curse Marill being called a mouse! The number generator chose 2 so that means Diggersby
Doesn't even mention rabbits lol
That's more on wiki description to be honest. Azumarill is classified as the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon
I rank them as
Lopunny,Scorbunny, and Raboot are adorable
Buneary was just ugly imo idk why-
Good point Jericho but then again Bidoof is literally the plump mouse pokemon