This part is a little longer
He led the way. She kept her gaze forward, trying to avoid eye contact, but it was hard not to glance around and see how people were reacting.
However, she did hear a few whispers.
“She’s finally coming back?”
“Do you think she’s recovered from that Alpha Ursaring attack?”
“Why was she gone for so long without reporting back to even Professor Laventon?”
“Is someone going to tell Kamado?”
“Where did Volo go?”
Peacock tried to not react and act like she couldn’t hear them. They stopped in front of Peacock’s house. Rei stood back as she opened the door and walked in. Not much had changed since she last saw it, other than being tidier.
He came up to the entrance. “I bought you some new outfits, they’re on top of your drawer.” Peacock turned her head towards it. There were 3-4 outfits, mostly Fancy Kimonos. “I thought you would want something new when you came back.”
She turned to him and dipped her head in appreciation. “Thank you.” Walking back to the entrance, she stuck her head outside. ‘I wonder how-’
She cut herself off as she spotted Kamado. She quickly ducked her head back inside. Rei glanced behind them and looked back. “What? Is there a problem?”
“Erm- No, it’s nothing.” She lied. “I’ve just got to…” She glanced around trying to think of an excuse. “I, uh, just need to check the Village Pastures and see how my Pokemon are doing!” She quickly hurried out of her home, heading towards the pastures.
However, she froze in her tracks when she heard her name being called. ‘Please don’t be Kamado please don’t be Kamado!’ she pleaded in her head as she turned around. Yet to her hopes, she saw Kamado heading towards her.
Peacock wanted to turn back around and keep going, but she knew that that would not only draw a bunch of attention, but also get her into more trouble than however much she was in now.
“I need to see you in my office. Immediately.”
The trainer lowered her gaze to the ground and nodded submissively. “Yes sir.” She glanced back up and sneered at his back as he walked away. Scuffing the ground as she started forward, she yet again avoided the gaze of others. Peacock pushed open the entrance to the Galaxy Hall.
Peacock stood in anger and shame with her gaze to the floor of Kamado’s office. He was scolding her intensely.
“What were you thinking? Running off without telling anyone where you were going? And right after you were attacked by an Alpha Pokemon too!” She was going to say something but his glare stopped her. “The least you could do was report to Professor Laventon. But you didn’t. Do you know how worried some people were that you wouldn’t come back?” Kamado shook his head. “I’m going to have to prevent you from leaving the village.” Peacock picked her head up.
“I’m dismissing you from Survey Work.”
“You can’t!” She protested.
He slammed his hands on his desk. “I can and I am. You should feel lucky that I’m not doing worse. You may leave.”
The newly dismissed trainer stood for a few more heartbeats before leaving. Cyllene looked up when Peacock walked by, but looked back down at her papers. Peacock bursted through the doors and stomped into her house, shutting the door behind her and sitting down on her bed. She let Kawauso out of his ball.
“Kawa?” His trainer stroked the top of his head, running her hand over the crack on his helmet.
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