Training her Pokemon would make her focus on something else. Sometimes it was hard to ignore the sadness she felt. The sadness, of course, was the fact that she stayed away from everyone else. If she thought she couldn’t go back to the village three days ago, then there was even less possibility of doing that now. Yes, she had stayed out for many days before, but during those times she would still report back to Professor Laventon and show up from time to time to grab and put away items, buy items, and heal her Pokemon.
There was also the fear. Peacock would wake up in a sweat from nightmares, ones about being shunned and ones about more battles with Volo. She would lose yet again, but she wouldn’t be able to run in time and either his Pokemon would attack her, or he would get the last plate and use Giratina to destroy the world. Having her Pokemon with her was comforting though. Unless she put them in their PokeBalls, they would usually sleep around her, with at least one of them keeping watch.
Braviary started drifting closer to the ground. The air felt crisp and chilly as Peacock climbed off and waved them goodbye. She reached into her pockets and one by one called out her Pokemon. “Kawauso! Tokubetsuna! Senko Hanabi! Rediaroma! Sutarion! Aishigosuto!”
A Hisuian Samurott, shiny Staravia, Alpha Jolteon, Hisuian Lilligant, Alpha Rapidash, and Hisuian Zoroark landed in the snow. The snow around Sutarion melted while Senko Hanabi jumped up and tried to catch the falling snowflakes with his mouth.
Peacock clapped her hands together. “Alright you six! We’re going to be training today!” She looked around. “And we’re going to be fighting… An Alpha Mamoswine!” She knew that an Alpha Pokemon maybe wasn’t the best idea, but this time she knew they were there and she had all of her Pokemon with her.
“Tokubetsuna. I want you to fly up and find the exact location. Aishigosuto. I want you to make sure no other Pokemon that would cause problems are nearby.” Peacock stood with her hands on her hips as she watched the two of her Pokemon go. This time she would be safe.
A few minutes later, she saw Tokubetsuna flying high in the sky. He was flying in circles and calling. Peacock and her four remaining Pokemon slowly crept towards where he was circling. Peacock got a glance at Aishigosuto. He was shooing away a few Swinubs and Snorunts.
The Alpha Mamoswine had its face to the ground, moving the snow around with its big tusks to find good grass to eat. Peacock stopped and motioned her Pokemon closer. “I want you four to each go to a different side of the Mamoswine. Kawauso, use Ceaseless Edge. Senko Hanabi, use Swift. Rediaroma, quickly run up and use Drain Punch. And lastly, Sutarion. Use Fire Blast.” It looked as if they nodded before spreading out.
“GO!” She shouted. The four of the Pokemon jumped out, each on a different side of the Mamoswine.
“KAWA!” Kawauso pulled one of his blades from the holders on his arm. It grew larger as he pulled it out. The Mamoswine looked up, but only with enough time for the blade to land on its forehead, pushing it back, right towards Senko Hanabi. The Alpha Joleton shot Swift multiple times, aiming them at the ginormous Pokemon. They hit just a moment before fire engulfed them, coming from the Rapidash. When it went away, Rediaroma jumped forward and swung her leg, weakening them. All four of the Pokemon backed up and waited for their trainer to throw a PokeBall.
Peacock reached into her pocket and pulled out the first ball she grabbed. “Perfect, an Ultra Ball.” Squinting, she aimed at the Alpha Pokemon and held back her arm. Just a few more moments and she could-
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