Well here's how and where the sequel starts
As I'm sure you can tell, I don't have a name for it yet (I didn't name Exiled until I was almost done writing it)
I'm not posting parts every day like with Exiled, but maybe every other day or every three days
Rei padded back and forth at the entrance to Jubilife Village. His Pikachu was standing not far off, watching him. After a few more moments, it bounded up to him and nudged his leg.
Stoping, he glanced down at him. He bent down and rubbed his Pokemon’s forehead. Pikachu looked worried still.
He sat down next to him, and let out a sigh. “I know I shouldn’t worry, she’s spent days outside of the village before, but this time it just… Feels different. The last time she was here, she left soon after she healed from the Alpha Ursaring attack, and she was in such a hurry.”
“I know, I know, I’m probably worrying for no reason. I guess I can wait a few more days, but after that I’m telling Celine- Or Laventon- That we should go looking for her.”
Three days. It had been three days since Peacock ran, three days since she lost the battle to Volo, three days since she had exiled herself. She laid in the grass, playing in the water of a small stream with her finger. The pain in her back still came back sometimes, but the large gashes had started bothering her less. Her attention was brought back to her surroundings when Aishigosuto, her Hisuian Zoroark, nudged her shoulder.
Peacock lifted her head, then pushed herself up with her arms. She sat up and stroked Aishigosuto’s face, and he made a content rumbling sound.
“Well.” She started while getting up to stand. “How does a little training sound?”
“Roark!” Her Pokemon started gently pushing her in the direction of Aspiration Hill with his head.
“Ok, ok! We can go somewhere else to train. How about the Alabaster Icelands?” He nodded his head up and down. “Alright, looks like we better get ready to embrace the cold!” Peacock returned him to his PokeBall, and called Braviary.
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The end of Exiled:
Why not add the beginning of Exiled too just in case: