This is the second to last part
She didn’t have to climb onto Braviary. She could walk to the camp pretty quickly. She waved Braviary off, but took out her giant male Alpha Rapidash, Sutarion. If any Pokemon attacked her- Alpha or not- He would be the one who could protect her. Professor Laventon wasn’t there when she made it to the camp. Getting items into and out of the storage box, she said, “If Professor Laventon needs me, tell him I’m out working on the Pokedex some more.” To the guard. They nodded. She looked at Saturion. “Do you think I can ride on you?” She had never done so before and wanted to try. He snuffed his nose and crouched down so she could climb on. It was pretty warm, as she had expected, but she didn’t get burned, thank goodness. He stood up, and Peacock wasn’t expecting it. She quickly grasped more firmly onto his fur to stable herself.
Riding on him was pretty nice. He was much taller than Wyrdeer and she could see more things better. ‘Lika Alpha Pokemon…’ Soon, she hopped off at the tunnel entrance. She put him back into his PokeBall and nodded to yet another guard as she walked in. The tunnel was quiet and felt somewhat damp.
Her legs ached when she arrived at the other side, and soon she was up to the stairs of the Temple of Sinnoh. Volo was standing in the middle of the big platform where she had fought both Dialga and Palkia. His merchant bag was resting against one of the broken pillars. He heard Peacock’s footsteps and turned around.
“Look at this place. The columns are cracked and broken, the pillars are shaped like spears stabbing into the heavens.” He frowned. “Lacking is the feeling of Giratina’s presence.” He paused and looked at the trainer up and down. “What? Is something bothering you?” She was going to say something but she didn’t get the chance. “Sorry, I guess I must be acting strange.” He shrugged. “I might as well tell you what I’m really after now.” He wasn’t smiling.
“Ever since I was convinced that Arceus indeed did exist, I have had one question gnawing at my thoughts: Would I ever be able to meet such a being? And how? An attempt I made at this was that I sought out for Giratina and had it rip that tear open to create that Space Rift, since it was the one who wished to stand to Arceus again, but that ended up not working.”
Peacock’s fists clenched. ‘Rip open the tear? Does that mean…’
“So I had you collect the fragments of the deity, just like the murals on the ruins directed. 18 plates that were said to be fragments of the all-encompassing deity. You hold 17 of them in your hands. So where is the last one?” He paused for a moment with his eyes closed. “It would be right here!” He swiftly pulled out a dark purple-black plate.
He grabbed the edge of his coat and grinned, tossing it off, he was wearing a gold and white outfit with green pants. He had taken his hat off as well, and his hair stood far out in a strange shape. “Now hand over the plate you’ve gathered! The one who is going to bring them together is me!”
Peacock staggered back. “You- You tricked me!”
“I cannot wait to meet Arceus no longer! I need to know what it is. I must know what it is! If I am not able to meet Arceus myself, maybe I can be subjugate to its power… And I can make a new and better world using that! But, if I do that, then Hisui will end up as nothing. Your Pokemon, you, and everyone you know will vanish in an instant, as if you never existed.” Peacock gritted her teeth as he spoke. “If you want to stop that, face me in battle! Not like you have a choice though. Even if you wished not to battle me, I’m not above taking those plates by force!”
Peacock hurled Kawauso’s PokeBall at the same time Volo threw the first one of his.
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