Exiled is the story I wrote for a Fanfic Contest that happened a month ago (I think.)
I'm currently writing the sequel, but wanted to start posting the first story on here.
It takes place in Husui
Peacock was still pretty mad at Kamado for exiling her, even though it had been a while ago. He had apologized, yes, and accepted her back, and she loved that she was able to keep working for the Survey Corps. But whenever she had to go upstairs to report to him, or when he asked for her, she couldn’t help but feel mad that he had thought that she was the one creating the Rift. He even thought HE was the one going to stop whoever had created it. She snorted.
Kawauso, her Hisuian Samurott, and her starter, nudged her arm. Peacock smiled and rubbed his head with her hand. Hearing footsteps coming towards her, she took Kawauso’s PokeBall and returned him to it. When she looked up, she saw that it was Volo coming towards her. Peacock put the PokeBall away and stood up.
He stopped and smiled. “Do you have the plates yet?” He said quietly. Peacock nodded.
“I believe I have all of the plates that I was asked to get.”
“All 16?”
“Good. We should head over to Cogita and ask her what’s next.”
They started walking towards the exit of Jubilife Village, but Peacock looked over to see Rei coming towards them. She turned to Volo. “You go on ahead, I’ll catch up in a bit.” He shrugged but continued going. Peacock headed over to Rei.
“Peacock,” He began with a worried face. “I… I think you shouldn’t be talking to Volo so much.”
She frowned. “Why not?”
“Well, I just keep having this feeling when I see him. Like he isn’t out to help people, and he just wants something for himself.”
Peacock felt a twinge of anger in her. “And what makes you think that?”
“Come on.” He said. “You can’t tell me you don’t think that at all. Think about this: He barely spends time in the village, and when do you see him actually do his job and sell things? I’ve heard Kamado say-”
“Why are you listening to Kamado’s gossip?” Peacock snapped. “Just because he doesn’t like someone and talks bad about them doesn’t mean he’s right.”
Rei backed up a few steps. “I- Why are you so mad at Kamado? He’s our boss, other than Celine.” Walking back those few steps, he put his hand on her shoulder. “Is it because he exiled you? Because he’s forgiven you for that.”
Peacock quickly shrugged his hand off. “No. I’m past that now.” She lied. “I just don’t think you should believe others’ gossip.” He still didn’t look convinced. “I’m going to do a bit of Survey work and try to fill the Pokedex a bit more.” Before Rei could answer with anything, she quickly headed out to Cogita’s home.
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