Spoink looked overjoyed as we showed up with his pearl. “Thank you!” He placed it on top of his head. “I had missed it so much! You see, it must have dropped off of my head sometime when I was bouncing around. If I don’t have my pearl up there, there was no possible way that I could have calmed down! I got all of these bumps and bruises from jumping around everywhere…” Spoink handed us two bags. One had a Protein, a Calcium, and an Iron. And the other bag had-
“2,000 Poké??” Waterking exclaimed looking into the bag. Spoink smiled as he watched us look at the money.
“Of course, of course! This is almost nothing compared to the value of my precious pearl. Goodbye!” He began bouncing over to and up the ladder.
“We’re- We’re rich!” Waterking peered into the bag again. “That quickly!”
Chatot hopped over to us. “Well done! Very good. Now, if you please, hand over the money!”
“Huh??” We exclaimed as he took the money bag from Waterking.
“You see,” Chatot began, looking the Poké over. “Most of the money from jobs completed by the apprentices here goes to the Guildmaster. And your Team’s share comes out to… 200 Poké.” He handed the money back to us.
“That’s it?” I asked.
“That’s awful! This is barely anything!”
Chatot looked at us. “That’s how the guild’s rule works. Looks like you’ll simply have to deal with it!” He said cheerfully.
“Hmph.” Waterking said, looking down at his feet.
Me and Waterking were in our room looking out the window. “You know,” He started. I took my gaze away from the orange, red, and yellow sky outside to look at him. “We never made a Team name.”
“A Team name? What for?” I questioned.
“So other Pokemon know who we are of course!” He plopped down on his nest, while I stayed standing. “When we end up getting famous, they’ll have to call us by something.”
I went and sat down on my own nest. “You really think we’ll get famous?”
“We have to!”
I sat thinking for a moment. “What about Team Scald? Scald is water that can burn, and I’m a Fire type and you’re a Water type.”
He grinned. “That’s a great name!”
“Thanks for the wait everyone! I finished making dinner!” We could hear Chimecho’s voice.
We both got up at about the same time. “Race ya!” I said cheerfully, running out. I could hear his footsteps following swiftly behind me.
Chapter 9: https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003598316