We looked around as we walked down the stairs that led to the Guild entrance. Looking to the left, we saw a sign pointing to a different path. It read, “Mystery Dungeons this way.” Waterking took out his map and peered at it as we walked on the path.
“The bluff should be this way.” He said, pointing his flipper to one of the splitting paths. I nodded and we walked in that direction. We arrived at a place with big rocks and lush bushes.
“Ok.” Waterking had started talking again, looking down at the mission paper. “It says that Spoink’s pearl is on B7F.” He put the paper back in his bag and looked ahead of us. “This place looks… Very dangerous.” He looked very nervous. “Let’s be careful.”
“Let’s do our best.” I said. We both nodded, and headed in.
The walls were made of brown rocks with a hint of green, and the floor was a light blue that was broken up by puddles of water. I was able to see Anoriths and more Shellos wandering around. I nudged Waterking and motioned towards the possibly hostile Pokemon to warn him. He nodded to me in return.
At around B3F, we were surprise attacked by a Chingling. I was too stunned to move, so Waterking blasted a Bubble its way and scared it off. I looked at him in surprise. “When did that get so strong?” I asked.
“I have to tell the truth. When we were fighting Zubat and Koffing, it wasn’t my Pound that had knocked Koffing. It was Bubble.” He looked like he was waiting for me to be mad or yell at him.
I smiled. “That’s cool!” His face lightened up. “Now with my Ember, and your Bubble, we could win many battles!”
We went through the rest of the Bluff without much talking. When we did talk, it was about items that we found.
“This is a Geo Pebble.” Waterking held up a smooth and round stone. “You can throw it to damage or defeat an enemy.”
We arrived on B7F. There was a big and layered rock pool that trickled water down its sides and front, which led into two small streams on either side of us. “Look!” Waterking pointed at a small pink orb that sparkled. We walked up to it.
“This has to be Spoink’s Pearl!” I said, carefully and gently picking it up. I slid it into my bag.
“Let’s bring it back!”
Sorry this took so long. I just hadn't been writing on it till today
Chapter 8: https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003585361