Stock:The news sucks
Location:Cobalt coastlands, hisui
Spiritrush:wake up
Where is ur submission for aura cave
*looks at it*
Treasure:get russiaed
*Spiritrush goes blank*
*Tamashi looks at mail*
Tick;what are you doing
Tamashi:some hisuian growlithe wants me to...
Tamashi:wnats me to find this picture out, this is interesting indeed
Tamashi goes to cobalt coastlands with lapras and sees johtonian corsola which make him look sad
Tamashi:oh gosh
Basculeigon:who dares to intrude to the cobalt coastland
Tamashi:i feel sick
*tamashi vomites basculegion's favorite food and now basculegion loves him and rides him back to woodal village
Spiritrush:so the myth of basculeigon is real, we preserved basculeigon sized tank for our studioes
Rowlo;I knew you could do it
Rowlo:got them basculeigon tamashi
*the final evo hisui starters hinting something
People to ping
@Cookierunfantehehehe OoOooOoOoOoOo
@Busterlover local dog and cat has been spotted knocking on grown mans door
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon get russiaed
@Lus-Adarch maybe next episode cotton candy will be there
@EveeChu nice