Give every smash character a mon, sans the actual Pkmn reps.
Dark Samus gets some sort of Ultra Beast, maybe Dawn Wings Necrozma
Kirby gets jigglypuff.
I feel like there should be a rule against Pokemon already in Smash
@PinkPuff677 no smash pokemon, but you can give them wigglytuff
Nah. instead i'll give kirby igglybuff.
@PinkPuff677 YOU DOWNGRADED KIRBY, he can become a car now! HE'S KARBY
Rosalina and Luma with Minior, Link with Aegislash, Young Link with Noctowl, and Steve with Cryogonal. Kirby can work with a lot of Pokemon in my opinion, like Minior, Snorlax, Munchlax, Togekiss, Togepi, Togetic, Wigglytuff, Ditto
Mario and Magmortor because of the fire
Amoongus could work for the princesses because of their neutral B, or we could use something like Gardevoir or Tsareana
What do you think?