Chapter 3, Department
It was Monday morning. The dreaded day for everyone.
"Ugh, why can't it be Sunday forever?" Overa said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Because, we can't have Sunday without the other days." Horn said. He walked over to the corner.
"Let me guess, I'm on trading security?" Flare asked.
"Hold on Flare, I've got the task book right here." Vetran responded.
"Everyone pay attention!'' Gill yelled. He moved over and Vetran stepped up.
"I have everyone's tasks right here! For the security department we have: Coco, Swag, Gill, and Flare. For the cleanup department we have: Horn, Overa, Gap and Rick! For the Denkeeping department we have: Scramble, Tiff, Tap, and Kick. For the Trading and negotiations department we have: Wall, Hydra, Gravity and Guardian. Good luck on your tasks, I will be overseeing trading negotiations." Vetran stated. Everyone walked to join their groups. In case you didn't know: Scramble is a Blissey who LOVES eggs, Tiff is a fashionable furfrou, Tap is an unusual Lilligant who's dancing is unrivaled, Kick is a Tsarena who, well kicks everything that annoys her. In the other department we have: Hydra, a Hydrageion, Gravity, an Altaria and Guardian, a Gardevior. Every week Vetran organizes a list of those working in each department. Since Vetran is the highest in authority over those living in the cave she oversees trade between other branches of them. Vetran is just one of many leaders who are tasked with protecting the outcast Pokemon in the system. How the system works is that any Pokemon who is either outcast by a trainer or unable to live in the wilds are brought to on of the many shelters to live a life with others like them. Every year about 300 more shelters are founded for new Pokemon.
"It must be a coincidence that the four of us are in the same department this week ahaha!" Swag hysterically laughed. "I wonder what those two are saying. Though, they're probably talking about my good looks."
"Hrrumph." Gill grumbled at this.
"What's the matter? Too ashamed that you don't have my good looks?" Swag said in a "I am better than you" voice.
"Look, I do hope you realize you are talking to the boss's right hand because if you keep this up you will be in SO much trouble with her." Gill threatened.
"Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I'm her left hand. Hahaha!" Swag laughed.
"There is no such thing as a left hand." Gill said defensively.
"You're no fun." Swag pretended to be upset.
"Look, if you want Flare, you have to go through me. We've known each other for a long time compared to you who just got here a week ago and have barely held a conversation with her. So my advice, stay away from her." Gill threatened.
"Is that so?" Swag protested.
"It is." Gill said.
"So what do you think the trade department is tasked with this week?" Coco asked Flare.
"I know we'll be trading away some medicinal leaks, since Tap has been able to grow them in the gardens just outside the cave we have a huge surplus of them. Though I don't know what we are trading for." Flare said.
"Maybe we're trading for the special in another region, such as poffins from Sinnoh." Coco stated.
"True, that isn't out of the realm of possibility." Flare said.
"Ready to get on working my Queens?" Swag flew over to Flare and Coco.
"Of course!" The girls responded.
"Hrrrumph." Gill grumbled.
"What's the matter my king? Is something wrong?" Swag teased.
"Let's just get working already, I-" Gill was cut off by Swag.
"Of course, I think Flare and I will patrol the Gardens together." Swag said quickly. Gill adopted a disgusted face.
"Looks like it's us two pal!" Coco said to Gill. Swag and Flare went off, chatting along the way.
"Hrrumph." Gill grumbled after Swag and Flare left the room.
"I see now, you have a crush on Flare but Swag is trying to win her over." Coco told Gill.
"Yes. I expected Flare to want to come with me, but it seems Swag has more than a few tricks." Gill said.
"Hey, love can be confusing. I know Flare, we hatched on the same day and came here on the same day. To me it looks like she's just playing along with Swag but I could be wrong, after all she's great at hiding her emotions. Coco comforted Gill.
"Thanks Coco, we should get to the entrance. After all, that entrance won't guard itself!" Gill joked. The two laughed.
That's a wrap for today! I hope you like reading this story more than I enjoyed writing it! Chapter 4 is coming tomorrow!