We were, yet again, in front of the grate on the ground. Waterking took a deep breath as he walked up and stood on it. The feathers on the back of his head seemed to stand up slightly as the voice sounded again.
“Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected! Pokemon is: Piplup!” Waterking had managed to keep his cool enough so he could stay on top of it.
“You may come IN!” It was a different voice this time. “But WAIT! There’s someone with you!” Waterking looked back behind him towards me.
“I think they’re talking about you.” He stepped off of it. I glanced down at the grate. I’m sure there’s no way to fall through…
“HEY!” The second voice shouted again. “Come ON! Step on it already!”
I flinched a bit as I walked up onto it. “Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected! Pokemon is: Umm…”
“WHAT is it Diglett?”
“You see- It’s just- I’m not too sure.”
“WHAT!? You ALWAYS know what they are!”
“Ok, ok. Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected! Pokemon is: Torchic!”
“You may PASS!” The loud voice shouted. A gate that was covering the entrance of the tent lifted up.
“This is so scary…” Waterking said as I walked up next to him. We went into the tent. There wasn’t much, just a post that held the tent up, a ladder that went underground, and a sign that said ‘Entrance To Wigglytuff’s Guild’.
We carefully made our way down the ladder. We arrived on the first floor. There were Pokemon everywhere, talking and chatting and looking at some papers hanging on two boards. A bird Pokemon came up to us. “Hello. My name is Chatot. I assume that you two are new here?”
Waterking nodded. “I’m Waterking, and my friend here is Firequeen.” I nodded as he said my name.
Chatot squinted as he looked us up and down. “What, do you think you can just walk in here and become an Exploration Team?”
Waterking and I were surprised by the hostility in his voice. “Well- Erm- We kinda-” He began stuttering as he couldn’t think of anything to answer with.
“CHATOT.” The loud voice from earlier was heard from behind the bird Pokemon. All three of us looked back and saw a Loudred.
“Uh, you’re so loud… What is it?”
“Diglett had a little PROBLEM identifying the Torchic’s FOOTPRINT. They are quite RARE around here.”
Chatot let out a big sign as he closed his eyes. “Fine. Follow me down to the last floor.” He walked over and jumped down the ladder. Me and Waterking followed behind carefully, trying not to fall. To the right of us was what looked like a little potion shop, but no one was there. Waterking ran up to a little grate on the right wall.
“Wow! A window? All the way down here?” He said excitedly.
“We’re in the side of a cliff you know.” Chatot said matter of factly. He stopped in front of two doors somewhat near the window. Knocking on it, he spoke. “Wigglytuff! We’ve got some visitors!”
This chapter was going to have more in it, but I don't want them to be super long
@Jaxoon (Have you been reading this story? I can't remember ._.)
Chapter 4: https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003572295