In a Team Rocket Base somewhere in Kanto
A Team Rocket Scientist walks into a room where a man is sitting at his desk petting his Persian
"Giovanni, our attempts to capture the Eevee have been unsuccessful." The scientist said
Giovanni slammed his fist at the desk. He was angry
"Ummmmm, here's a tablet of pictures our spies collected." The scientist handed him a tablet filled with pictures of Via
Giovanni looked through the tablet, then stopped when he saw a picture of a Via and Dusk
"Who's this?" Giovanni asked, zooming in on Dusk
“Just a Rockruff, probably harmless," The scientist said
"Isn't this the Rockruff that destroyed one of our bases with that Umbreon a while back?" Giovanni asked
"Ummmmmm it is sir." The scientist said
"And also Rockruff aren't native to the Kanto region, they're native to the Alolan region. That means that this Rockruff is a rare pokemon. Right?" Giovanni asked
"Yes, sir" The scientist asked
Giovanni looked through the tablet. Then he found something strange.
"Hey, look at this, when the Rockruff and the Eevee are in the same area it emits high energy readings." Giovanni said
"That's just the Eevee, sir" The scientist said
“No, it isn't. Look" Giovanni showed the scientist the tablet.
Then he showed him data of Via
“Look the Eevee emits high energy readings, but it's not as high as this one." Giovanni showed him the data with Via and Dusk together
“Whoa, These energy readings are off the charts!!!!!!" the scientist said
"Precisely" Giovanni said"
Giovanni, I'll go get our best field agents and spies to capture both the Rockruff and the Eevee" the scientist said
"No, don't do that, Grunt" Giovanni said to the scientist
”I am a scientist, not a grunt, also I've got a name, and why?"
“Well you see, Grunt, Last time the Eevee and the Rockruff were together, they destroyed one of our major bases with that Umbreon, remember?" Giovanni said
"Yes sir, also I'm still a scientist and I got a name." The scientist said
”So I want our agents to only capture the Rockruff." Giovanni said
“Ok sir, I'll get our agents to capture the Rockruff." The scientist said
"No, don't send them, we have to be inconspicuous. Send Simon Petrikrov" Giovanni said
”Giovanni sir, with all due respect sir, Simon's just a teenager, I think one of our adu-----" The scientist said
"Do you question me, Grunt?" Giovanni said
"No sir, and I'm a scientist and my name isn't grunt. But why Simon?" the scientist said
"Out of all of our grunts, Simon did the best. His Ice type pokemon are incredibly powerful. He's also incredibly smart."Giovanni said
”But he's kind of a loon, he says he can talk to pokemon, do you really believe him?" the scientist said
Giovanni nodded
"Ok I'll send for him" The scientist walked out of the room
Giovanni smiled menacingly while petting his Persian
The Persian purred