This is the community-wide off-topic post for the Pokémon Wiki. Only one off-topic post will run at a time. It will be renewed weekly by the Discussion Moderators. This post only makes up a very small corner in the area and everyone is encouraged to frequent their daily activity on the other posts as well.
All the Wiki Guidelines must be followed as well!
Talking about triggering or negative topics is disallowed.
Human or animal abuse will not be tolerated, in any form, whether text or attachment. A user found indulging in the same will be blocked immediately.
Talking about ROM Hacks, pirated content, or websites blocked by FANDOM; or sharing links for the same is strictly forbidden. Offenders will be blocked.
Mild political talks are allowed. Religious discussions are strictly prohibited.
If you have questions or suggestions for the Wiki's Discussion Board, you can put them all in this post!
Discussion Moderators: