Ok, today I'll be introducing you to the main trio's teams, starting with the star of the show, Ash, of course. His team is Pikachu (obviously), Corviknight, Rillaboom, Inteleon, Arcanine and Urshifu. Next is Gloria, and her team is Cinderace, Boltund, Obstagoon, Barraskewda, Turtwig, and Blastoise. Finally is Milo, who's team is Eldegoss, Wooloo, and Greedent. Not a lot of Grass types for a Grass gym leader. Now for recurring characters, Dawn will return, and she'll appear more than once cause she's having a journey in Galar too. As for rivals, Ash has Marnie and Bede as rivals, and Gloria's rival is Hop. In the next episode, we'll discuss the series pacing, as well as any story arcs.