So, this is a new series on the Wiki Discuss where I go through a Galar series if I wrote the Pokemon anime. I'll start by discussing the main premise of the series, and the trio we follow. The series is a replacement for Pokemon Journeys, which has Ash travel through the Galar region to compete in the Galar League. The main plot is basically the plot of Sword and Shield. Also joining him on his journey is Gloria, a free-spirited and energetic young girl, who also travels with Ash to compete in the Galar League too. Her starter Pokemon is Scorbunny, and so, we get a similar dynamic with Gloria's Scorbunny and Ash's Pikachu, like Ash's Pikachu and Goh's Cinderace when it was a Scorbunny in Journeys. Next, to fill the quota of a Gym Leader joining Ash, we have Milo, with his Wooloo and Eldegoss. In the next episode of this series introduction, I'll introduce you to the teams of the trio and some other characters, both old and new. I hope you enjoy my attempt at writing a Galar series!