You begin to head down Mount Shirstrenth to make your way towards Toxi City, site of the Poison-type Gym. Nothing much happens on the way down except for when you're halfway down. There, you hear a mysterious voice calling out to you that doesn't seem to be from a normal human. The voice says "Human, those evil people you were fighting - I know about them. And I fear they are coming for me first once they find my location and the others' locations. If they find and capture me first, then I'll need you and your friends to protect the others once that happens. And if you fail, well, let's just say you may have doomed all 4 of our lives, and that's not cool. Ah, what am I talking about! You don't understand any of this, don't you? Anyways, carry on." After that, you continue on your way down, and eventually find a toxic waste dump. This can only mean one thing - you've finally made it to Toxi City!