You and Isabelle begin your Multi battle against Susie and the Team Givers employee. The standard employee uses standard Team Givers Pokemon, while Susie uses Toxikitten, a Poison/Dark type, Steenee, and her ace, Cybatus, an Electric/Steel type. You defeat Susie and the employee, but Susie says she will not concede defeat, as she tells the employees to force the Eevee to evolve into Espeon. Isabelle remarks that her Eevee is holding a Sharp Beak, so it won't evolve into Espeon. Jackson states that his Eevee is holding a Dragon Fang, so that his won't evolve into Espeon too. Susie tries to make the Eevee evolve herself, but it doesn't work. She then proceeds to throw the cages, with the Eevee still inside, off the mountain. Isabelle is enraged by this, as she sends out all her Pokemon to attack. Susie commands the employees to send out all of their Pokemon too, and so you, Isabelle, and Jackson find yourselves surrounded. Just as all the employees command their Pokemon to attack, they are stopped by what seems to be an Air Cutter, followed by a Dragon Breath. You then find that the attacks came from both the Eevee, who have evolved! Isabelle's Eevee is now a Breezeon, a Flying type, and Jackson's Eevee is now a Drakeon, a Dragon type. Breezeon and Drakeon then beat all the Pokemon, as Team Givers leaves, now that they've lost. Isabelle and Jackson reunite with their Pokemon, as Isabelle tells you that she may reconsider her view of Team Givers. You and your friends then leave the mountain for Toxi City, as the camera pans over to Susie on her phone, stating to someone "Ok, Bryson. We weren't able to make those Eevee evolve into Espeon, but, you know, we can always head for the Aphyx Ruins. We'll do this the old-fashioned way. Just watch out, cause there's a bunch of kids who are stupid-strong, and Kim's little sister is one of 'em. But I'm sure you can handle them, after all, you're the other Employee of the Month".