You head for the top of Mount Shirstrenth to rescue Jackson's Eevee and Isabelle's Eevee, battling Wild Pokemon on the way. When you make it halfway through the mountain, you are greeted by 2 Team Givers employees, who congratulate you for making it this far. You are then challenged to a battle agaisnt the 2 of them, however Jackson shows up, as you face the 2 employees in a Multi Battle. After you beat them, you and Jackson continue up the mountain, battling the employees. When you reach the top of the mountain, you find Isabelle staring at her Eevee and Jackson's Eevee, trapped in cages by Team Givers employees, under the command of another employee. The employee, Susie, calls herself 'Forever Winner of Employee of the Month', alongside another employee. Isabelle asks why Team Givers would do this, as Susie replies "Oh, Izzy. Ya see, we oughta want something after all these years of giving others what they want. What we're gonna do is just make those Eevee of yours and your little friend there's evolve into Espeon, that way they can use their newfound Psychic powers to help us find what we want!" Isabelle is upset by this, as she says "Team Givers isn't all that bad, ya know, but it's people like you that make my friends think Team Givers is evil!". Isabelle then gets ready to face Susie, however you offer to help her, which she accepts. Susie then calls another employee, as you and Isabelle prepare to face Susie and the employee in a Multi Battle.