Isabelle takes you inside the Team Givers Pokemon Treating Facility, and you see something very unusual - Team Givers employees treating an injured Grookey, and they don't seem suspicous at all! You ask the Team Givers employees if they've injured any Pokemon before, and they seem rather confused as to why you'd ask them that in the first place. You then ask Isabelle where she found the Grookey, and she says she found it on the grass, looking like it got injured (Starter Pokemon in this 'game' can be found in the wild), so she brought it here. She reveals that before your battle with her, she left Grookey at the Treating Facility so it could be taken care of, and she promised it that she'd come back later. At that moment, the Grookey is fully healed, as Isabelle invites it on her team. The Grookey happily accepts, and into her Pokeball it goes. Isabelle then turns to look at you and says "See? This 'Team Givers is evil' thing is nonsense!". You think about how nice the employees where, and realises Isabelle isn't entirely wrong - that there are some genuinely nice and caring people working for Team Givers. Isabelle then says bye to you for now as she heads for Magindle City, and you say bye too. You then continue on Route 5, heading for the Fairy-type gym.