You continue on Route 1 to head to Brindmil City, home of the Hania League signups, like the Professor said. You make it past Route 1 and head to the signups building, along the way being greeted by Team Givers. They're a famous organisation in Hania dedicated to donating to charities, giving things to the homeless, as their motto is 'We give the people what they want!'. The Team Givers employees say that they've heard so much about you from Isabelle, as she's the little sister of the CEO of Team Givers, who gave Isabelle her Eevee, in fact. You sign up for the Hania League and watch an introductory video about the League. After that you head to Route 2, making your way to Cavolt City, home of the 1st gym. Along the way Isabelle meets up with you, and challenges you to a battle. She uses her Eevee, Sealuppy, and her newest team member - Hanian Shinx, an Electric/Fire type. You beat her and she congratulates you on the win. After that you continue on the path, eventually reaching Cavolt City, site of the first gym! You can't challenge the gym yet, however, as the Gym Leader is busy fixing the Cavolt Tower's blackout. You decide to kill some time by checking out the rest of the city, eventually bumping into Jackson, who challenges you to a battle too (also thought I should mention that both rivals fill the rival quota, Isabelle is the friendly rival, meanwhile Jackson is the jerk rival who grows nicer over the course of the story). He uses Blaznake, Emolga, and Eevee, who he states that he only caught because he heard it can evolve into 11 different Eeveelutions. You beat him, and he says he's going to help fix Cavolt Tower, as its the source of energy for all of Cavolt City. You decide to help him and the Gym Leader too, and so you follow Jackson.